We introduce a generalized version of the Causal Dynamical Triangulations (CDT) formulation of quantum gravity, in which the regularized, triangulated path integral histories maintain their causal properties, but do not have a preferred proper-time foliation. An extensive numerical study of the associated nonperturbative path integral in 2+1 dimensions shows that it can nevertheless reproduce the emergence of an extended de Sitter universe on large scales, a key feature of CDT quantum gravity. This suggests that the preferred foliation normally used in CDT is not a crucial (although convenient) part of its background structure.
Spacetime covariance in canonical quantum gravity is tied to the existence of an anomaly free representation of its constraint algebra. I will argue that establishing the existence of such a representation in the LQG context requires the consideration of higher than unit density weight Hamiltonian constraints. Smolin's weak coupling limit of Euclidean gravity, while simpler than full blown gravity , still exhibits an open constraint algebra isomorphic to that of gravity and offers an ideal testing ground for the investigation of the quantum constraint algebra of such higher density constraints. I will report on recent progress on this issue in the context of an LQG type quantization of this system. Certain features of the constructions such as the encoding of the action of the quantum constraint in terms of operator valued diffeomorphisms may play a key role in the definition of a consistent quantum dynamics for LQG.
The struggle between local and global concepts in physics comes to a head in causal set quantum gravity. Local physics -- and general relativity in particular -- must be recovered in a continuum approximation if the theory is to be successful but causal sets are inherently non-local entities. I will describe a family of causal set actions labelled by dimension, each of which is nonlocal and yet, when applied to certain causal sets, approximates the Einstein Hilbert action and is therefore effectively local. I will explain why this is a source of hope that causal set theory has a continuum approximation.
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics - Albert Einstein Institute (AEI)
Spin foam models are models for space time built from discrete chunks of quantized geometry. In the asymptotic regime the classical geometry is regained. In the last year we have seen rapid developments in our understanding of this geometry at the level of the entire partition function. In particular it was found that the geometries that contribute to the partition function in the asymptotic regime satisfy accidental curvature constraints. I will discuss the classic results and role of asymptotics, the recent results and their impact on the interpretation of these models.
Recently there are a lot of progresses in developing the spinfoam formulation of loop quantum gravity. In this talk I give an overview of the subject. I introduce the formalism and the motivation of the theory, and I discuss the application of spinfoam formulation in black hole and cosmology. I also discuss the inclusion of the quantum matter fields and cosmological constant in the formalism. The inclusion of cosmological constant motivates a Chern-Simons formulation of LQG. Finally I discuss the semiclassical low-energy approximation of the spinfoam formulation, where Einstein gravity appears as the leading contribution.
I will present the recently obtained non perturbative 1/N expansion of tensor models. The correlation functions are shown to be analytic in the coupling constant in some domain of the complex plane and to support appropriate scaling bounds at large N. Surprisingly, the non perturbative setting turns out to be a powerful computational tool allowing the explicit evaluation order by order (with bounded rest terms) of the correlations.