Displaying 37 - 48 of 77
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Transforming to the highly regular gauge for use in second-order self-force calculations
Samuel Upton Czech Academy of Sciences, Astronomical Institute
Metric perturbations to Kerr blackhole in suitable gauges
Vahid Toomani Universität Leipzig
Separable electromagnetic perturbations of rotating black holes
Barry Wardell University College Dublin
Lorenz-gauge reconstruction for Teukolsky solutions with sources in electromagnetism
Stephen Green University of Nottingham
Uncomfortable Truths & Inclusive Excellence in Science
Imogen Coe Toronto Metropolitan University
Uncomfortable Truths & Inclusive Excellence in Science
Imogen Coe Toronto Metropolitan University
Progress and prospects in the mingling of quantum-scattering-amplitudes, post-Minkowskian, post-Newtonian, and self-force calculations
Justin Vines Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute)