Displaying 181 - 192 of 246
Format results
20 talks-Collection NumberC10010
Fingerprints of structure formation in the microwave background
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign -
Optical Surveys of Large-Scale Structure
University of Pittsburgh -
Testing gravity at cosmological scales: from linear to nonlinear regimes
Shanghai Jiao Tong University -
Cosmic Acceleration: Dark Energy vs Modified Gravity
University of Chicago -
Recent advances and future challenges for using galaxy clusters in cosmology
Harvard University -
4-Corner Southwest Ontario Condensed Matter Symposium 2010
7 talks-Collection NumberC10009Talk
Kinetics of Microstructural Transitions in Block Copolymer Melts
University of GuelphPIRSA:10040084 -
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and Featureless Mott Insulators
University of WaterlooPIRSA:10040088
PI / CITA Day - December 2009
7 talks-Collection NumberC09027Talk
Opening Remarks: In Memory of Lev Kofman
Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA)
University of Edinburgh
Searching for a Primordial Cold Spot in the CMB
Simon Fraser University (SFU) -
Primordial power spectra and cosmological observations
Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA) -
Gravitational Waves from a Decaying Network of Cosmic Strings
Pennsylvania State University
Gravity at a Lifshitz Point - 2009
13 talks-Collection NumberC09026Talk
Horava gravity and strong coupling
University of Nottingham -
Quantum gravity without Lorentz invariance
University of Nottingham -
A "healthy" proposal for non-relativistic quantum gravity
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona -
Cuscuton and Horava-Lifshitz gravity
University of Waterloo -
Background Cosmology and Cosmological Perturbations in Horava-Lifshitz Gravity
McGill University - Department of Physics -
Horava-Lifshitz gravity: What's the matter?
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics - Albert Einstein Institute (AEI)
Asymptotic Safety-30 Years After - 2009
20 talks-Collection NumberC09025Talk
Gravitational average action and asymptotic safety: past and future
Johannes Gutenberg University MainzPIRSA:09110040 -
Asymptotic safety: a review
PIRSA:09110041 -
Nonperturbative Insights from Causal Dynamical Triangulations
Radboud Universiteit NijmegenPIRSA:09110045 -
Gravitational fixed points and asymptotic safety from perturbation theory
University of PittsburghPIRSA:09110046
PI-ATLAS LHC Day - 2009
9 talks-Collection NumberC09024Talk
Current state of ATLAS and the LHC
University of Toronto -
Determining Z' couplings using LHC data and low energy measurements
University of Wisconsin–Madison -
Charged Higgs phenomenology beyond the MSSM
Carleton University -
Photon identification with the ATLAS detector
University of Toronto -
Light Octet Scalars, a Heavy Higgs and Minimal Flavour Violation
University of Toronto -
Measurement of Azimuthal De-correlations in DiJet Events
University of Toronto
PIAF 09' New Perspectives on the Quantum State
27 talks-Collection NumberC09022Talk
Confusing Ontic and Epistemic Causes Trouble in Classical Physics Too
Cornell UniversityPIRSA:09090077 -
The Statistical Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and its Relation to Probability Theory
Simon Fraser University (SFU) -
The reflection principle and quantum Bayesian decoherence
University of London -
Ontology of the quantum state: wavefunction vs. spacetime state realism
University of Oxford -
What de Broglie--Bohm Mechanics tells us about the Nature of the Quantum State
Griffith University -
Does knowing my lambda mean knowing my psi?
Imperial College London -
What are the costs of dealing with "states of reality" in quantum theory?
Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) - Vienna -
A Pilot Wave(s) Theory of Exclusively Local Beables
Emerson College
Reconstructing Quantum Theory - 2009
20 talks-Collection NumberC09016Talk
Quantum Mechanics as a Theory of Systems with Limited Information Content
Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) - Vienna -
Quantum Theory from Entropic Inference
State University of New York (SUNY) -
Exact uncertainty, quantum mechanics and beyond
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) -
Exact uncertainty, bosonic fields, and interacting classical-quantum systems
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) -
The power of epistemic restrictions in reconstructing quantum theory
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Why Quantum Theory is Complex
State University of New York (SUNY)
Exploring the Cosmological Frontiers - Perimeter Institute Summer School - 2009
27 talks-Collection NumberC09013Talk
Gravitational Wave Astronomy - Lecture 1
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics - Albert Einstein Institute (AEI) -
Theories of Dark Matter- Lecture 1
New York University (NYU) -
Gravitational Wave Astronomy - Lecture 2
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics - Albert Einstein Institute (AEI) -
Weighing the Universe
Princeton University -
Theories of Dark Matter - Lecture 2
New York University (NYU) -
Observational Probes of Early Universe Cosmology - Lecture 1
National Aeronautics and Space Administration -
Gravitational Wave Astronomy - Lecture 3
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics - Albert Einstein Institute (AEI) -
Is the cosmic singularity the key?
University of Edinburgh
Holographic Cosmology Workshop - 2009
31 talks-Collection NumberC09014Talk
A universal inequality for CFT and quantum gravity
University of Tokyo -
Some hidden symmetry in M-theory
University of Cambridge -
Black hole horizons and the origin of cosmic acceleration
University of Waterloo -
World sheets for world sheets revisited
Hebrew University of Jerusalem -
Multi-Trace Deformations of AdS/CFT and Spherical D-branes
Università degli Studi di Firenze (UniFl)
New Lights on Dark Matter - 2009
23 talks-Collection NumberC09012Talk
Searching for Dark Matter with Cosmic Antiparticles: the PAMELA Experiment
National Institute for Nuclear Physics -
Recent Results from the ATIC Experiment
University of Maryland, College Park -
Observation of the high-energy cosmic-ray electron spectrum with Fermi and implications for dark matter scenarios
National Institute for Nuclear Physics -
Seeing Dark Matter in cosmic rays?
CEA Saclay -
Dark Matter Interpretations of the Electron/Positron Excesses after FERMI
Università di Pisa -
The PAMELA excess int the light of cosmic ray propagation
Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique Théorique (LAPTH) -
CMB Constraints on Sommerfeld-Enhanced Dark Matter
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of Physics
Categories, Quanta, Concepts (CQC) - 2009
18 talks-Collection NumberC09008Talk
Phase Groups and Complementarity
University of Oxford -
Complementarity as a resource
Quantinuum -
What is a quantal reality?
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Operational structures as a foundation for probabilistic theories
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Higher-Order Quantum Computations
Dalhousie University -
A Categorical Approach to Distributed Meaning
University of Oxford -
The Conway-Kochen-Specker Theorems
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Fundamental Physics and Large Scale Structure (2010)
20 talks-Collection NumberC10010Fundamental Physics and Large Scale Structure -
4-Corner Southwest Ontario Condensed Matter Symposium 2010
7 talks-Collection NumberC100094-Corner Southwest Ontario Condensed Matter Symposium 2010 -
Asymptotic Safety-30 Years After - 2009
20 talks-Collection NumberC09025Asymptotic Safety-30 Years After -
PIAF 09' New Perspectives on the Quantum State
27 talks-Collection NumberC09022PIAF 09' New Perspectives on the Quantum State -
Reconstructing Quantum Theory - 2009
20 talks-Collection NumberC09016Reconstructing Quantum Theory -
Exploring the Cosmological Frontiers - Perimeter Institute Summer School - 2009
27 talks-Collection NumberC09013On June 24 - July 1 2009, the Perimeter Institute will be hosting a Summer School on Particle Physics, Cosmology and Strings. This summer school will be the 7th of an ongoing series offered by the Perimeter Institute, in conjunction with the Pacific Institute for Theoretical Physics, the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences and the Asia-Pacific Institute for Theoretical Physics. This year's edition will focus on early universe cosmology, dark matter and gravitational wave physics. The school will include a series of lectures on each of these topics, as well as guest lectures on key open problems in the field. -
Holographic Cosmology Workshop - 2009
31 talks-Collection NumberC09014Holographic Cosmology Workshop -
New Lights on Dark Matter - 2009
23 talks-Collection NumberC09012In the last few years, a new observational window has opened on the dark sector of matter. The recent flood of experimental results on direct and indirect dark matter detection has potentially revolutionized our view of the nature of dark matter. As the non gravitational nature of dark matter may well be revealing itself for the first time, initial results have lead to a reexamination of WIMP physics with the aim of enhancing the annihilation cross section through various means, and encouraged theorists to think of more exotic possibilities. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together leading theorists in this area, as well as representatives of the recent experiments, to encourage the sharing and debating of recent results and approaches to probing and describing the dark matter sector. -
Categories, Quanta, Concepts (CQC) - 2009
18 talks-Collection NumberC09008Categories, Quanta, Concepts (CQC)