Displaying 229 - 240 of 246
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29 talks-Collection NumberC06016
Aspects of Nonlinear Perturbations in Cosmological Models
University of Alberta -
Brane Gravity in Six Dimensional Flux Compactifications
University of Oxford -
Non-Isotropy of the CMB Power Spectrum in Single Field Inflation
Carnegie Mellon University -
A Cosmological Sector in Loop Quantum Gravity
Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt -
Emergence of a Background From Background Independent Quantum Gravity
University of Iceland -
Non-Gaussianities from Multi-Field Inflation
Brown University -
Cosmology on the Great Lakes Workshop
16 talks-Collection NumberC06015Talk
Cuscuton: Dark Energy meets Modified Gravity
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical PhysicsPIRSA:06110056 -
Cosmic Rays and Cluster Cosmology - A Critical Review
Universität Heidelberg - Institut für Theoretische PhysikPIRSA:06110050 -
Reionization of the Universe: Character and Observable Signatures
Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA)PIRSA:06110059 -
Bayesian Analysis of WMAP3 Data
PIRSA:06110060 -
Inflation: What Now?
String Theory and Gauge Theory: Past Present and Future Workshop
18 talks-Collection NumberC06013Talk
String Theory and Gauge Theory: Past Present and Future Workshop 1
University of ChicagoPIRSA:06100045 -
String Theory and Gauge Theory: Past Present and Future Workshop 2
Princeton UniversityPIRSA:06100052 -
Little String Theory From a Double Scaled Matrix Model
University of British ColumbiaPIRSA:06100049 -
Dual Gravity Approach to Near-Equilibrium Processes in Strongly Coupled Gauge Theories
University of OxfordPIRSA:06100040 -
Superpartner Masses and Hidden Sectors
PIRSA:06100042 -
Natural Ultraviolet Cutoffs In Expanding Space-Times - 2006
17 talks-Collection NumberC06011Talk
Mode creation in expanding universes, through dissipative effects
University of Paris-Saclay -
A discrete, Lorentz-invariant wave equation and its continuum limit
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Insights from background independent approaches to quantum gravity
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Black hole evaporation and information
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Questions about high - k phsyics in expanding spacetimes
University of Würzburg -
Inflationary cosmological pertubations of quantum - mechanical origin
Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris -
Thermodynamics of spacetime
University of Maryland, College Park
Quantum Reality, Relativistic Causality, and Closing the Epistemic Circle - 2006
26 talks-Collection NumberC06009Talk
Quantum Reality, Relativistic Causality, and Closing the Epistemic Circle - Welcome
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:06070036 -
Interpretations of Probability in Quantum Mechanics
Theory Canada 2 - 2006
40 talks-Collection NumberC06005Talk
Particle Physics 3
PIRSA:06060008 -
Particle Physics 4
PIRSA:06060009 -
Particle Physics 6
PIRSA:06060011 -
Strings/Quantum Gravity 2
Workshop on Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Adiabatic Approximation - 2006
11 talks-Collection NumberC06003Talk
Rigorous adiabatic estimates using integration by parts
PIRSA:06020017 -
Deviations from adiabatic approximation
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityPIRSA:06020018 -
Phase transitions in NP complete problems
PIRSA:06020020 -
Phase transitions in N-SAT
PIRSA:06020021 -
More on adiabatic quantum computation
Emergence of Spacetime Workshop - 2005
6 talks-Collection NumberC05014Talk
Emergence of quantum spacetime from causal dynamical triangulations
Radboud Universiteit NijmegenPIRSA:05110012 -
An origin of light and electrons -- a unification of gauge interaction and Fermi statistics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of PhysicsPIRSA:05110013 -
Error free quantum gravity
PIRSA:05110014 -
Emergent Spacetime in Noncritical String and M-Theory
University of California, BerkeleyPIRSA:05110015 -
Computing the universe.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Center for Extreme Quantum Information Theory (xQIT)PIRSA:05110016
Cosmological Frontiers Conference - 2005
26 talks-Collection NumberC05013Talk
Limits on non-gaussianities from WMAP data
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)PIRSA:05100040 -
String Pair Production in a Time-Dependent Gravitational Field
University of PennsylvaniaPIRSA:05100045
Quantum Information, Computation and Logic: Exploring New Connections - 2005
25 talks-Collection NumberC05010Talk
Dynamic Quantum Logic 3
PIRSA:05070096 -
Preparation contextuality in its myriad forms
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical PhysicsPIRSA:05070100 -
Summer School: Strings, Gravity & Cosmology - 2005
66 talks-Collection NumberC05009Talk
Complex Manifolds
PIRSA:05060071 -
Twistor String Theory and Perturbative Yang-Mills 1
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical PhysicsPIRSA:05060072 -
Twistor String Theory and Perturbative Yang-Mills 2
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical PhysicsPIRSA:05060074 -
Complex Manifolds
PIRSA:05060075 -
Perturbative String Theory
PIRSA:05060076 -
Perimeter/UofT/CITA Mini-Workshop - 2005
6 talks-Collection NumberC05006Talk
Constraints on String Scale and Coupling from Non-Gaussianity
University of GroningenPIRSA:05040048 -
Cosmological Effective Actions Imply New Physics in the CMB
PIRSA:05040049 -
LIGO: Astronomical Observatory and Physics Playground
PIRSA:05040050 -
Modular Cosmology
PIRSA:05040052 -
Panel on Precision Cosmology
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)
McGill University - Department of Physics
Young Researchers Conference - 2006
29 talks-Collection NumberC06016This event provides an opportunity for top young physicists to enjoy a multidisciplinary conference, and interact with resident scientists. In addition, participants will have an opportunity to learn more about Perimeter Institute. -
Cosmology on the Great Lakes Workshop
16 talks-Collection NumberC06015Great Lakes Cosmology Meeting -
String Theory and Gauge Theory: Past Present and Future Workshop
18 talks-Collection NumberC06013String Theory and Gauge Theory: Past Present and Future Workshop -
Natural Ultraviolet Cutoffs In Expanding Space-Times - 2006
17 talks-Collection NumberC06011The question of how to describe a natural ultraviolet cutoff in an expanding space-time is of significance in several respects. First, it concerns the fate of general covariance in the presence of a natural UV cutoff. Second, it concerns the continued generating of degrees of freedom through expansion, which carries with it the possibility of an associated generating of vacuum energy. Finally, through inflation, a natural ultraviolet cutoff may have left observable imprints in the CMB. -
Quantum Reality, Relativistic Causality, and Closing the Epistemic Circle - 2006
26 talks-Collection NumberC06009Perimeter Institute will host an international conference from July 18-21, 2006, in honour of Abner Shimony, one of the most eminent physicist-philosophers of our time. Professor Shimony is renowned for his contribution to the famous Bell-CHSH inequality and for many other contributions in the foundations of physics and philosophy. Talks and discussions will cover a wide range of subjects within physics and philosophy, including theoretical and experimental aspects of quantum entanglement and non-locality, relativistic causality, quantum measurement problem, probability theory, temporal transience, the mind-body problem, and scientific realism. -
Theory Canada 2 - 2006
40 talks-Collection NumberC06005Theory CANADA 2 is the second of a series of annual conferences organized by the Division of Theoretical Physics of the Canadian Association of Physicists. The conferences are planned to be held annually immediately preceding the CAP Congress, and will be held at the regional institute or center for theoretical physics that is appropriate. The host institute for this year's conference is Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics located in Waterloo, Ontario. Funding for the conference has been solicited from a pan-Canadian source of institutes of theoretical physics. -
Workshop on Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Adiabatic Approximation - 2006
11 talks-Collection NumberC06003Perimeter Institute will be hosting Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Adiabatic Approximation from February 9th -11th, 2006. Participants include experts on rigorous proofs of the adiabatic theorem, phase transitions in NP-complete problems, and random matrix theory, as well as adiabatic computation. -
Emergence of Spacetime Workshop - 2005
6 talks-Collection NumberC05014Workshop on Emergence of Spacetime -
Cosmological Frontiers Conference - 2005
26 talks-Collection NumberC05013Cosmological Frontiers Conference - October 2005 -
Quantum Information, Computation and Logic: Exploring New Connections - 2005
25 talks-Collection NumberC05010Both quantum logic (QL) and quantum information (QI) are based on viewing quantum mechanics in terms of concepts closely tied to information, so QL, should be closely connected to QI. On the whole, these two research fields are pursued by separate communities and so a closer collaboration is likely to yield significant insights into both. While taking a broad view of both fields, the workshop will focus on areas that we feel are most likely to spark significant collaboration and new research initiatives. -
Summer School: Strings, Gravity & Cosmology - 2005
66 talks-Collection NumberC05009This will be the third in an ongoing series of annual summer schools in theoretical physics held in Canada. The first and second editions of these schools will be held at the University of British Columbia. These schools are intended to educate graduate students and young researchers on current developments in string theory and its interface with gravity and cosmology. Our intent in organizing the 2005 school at the Perimeter Institute at this time is that it will also offer the students the opportunity to attend the Strings 2005 conference, which will be held in Toronto in the week immediately following the school. -
Perimeter/UofT/CITA Mini-Workshop - 2005
6 talks-Collection NumberC05006This mini-workshop will be the next of an ongoing series of one-day meetings between researchers at Perimeter, CITA and University of Toronto. These meetings are held to share new ideas and encourage interactions in our common fields of interest: superstrings, cosmology, particle theory and quantum gravity.