Displaying 193 - 204 of 246
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21 talks-Collection NumberC09010
The Cosmological Constant Problem and Extra Dimensions
McMaster University -
6D Brane Models and their Perturbations
University of Liverpool -
Inflation on a codimension-two brane
Carnegie Mellon University -
Infrared Modification of Gravity with Dynamical Torsion
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) -
Phenomenological Connections between Particle Physics and Dark Energy
University of Wisconsin–Madison -
Positive and Negative Energy Symmetry and the Cosmological Constant Problem
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
LHC, ILC, and Quintessence
University of Wisconsin–Madison -
Cyclic Universe
University of Edinburgh
Effective Field Theories in Inflation - 2009
15 talks-Collection NumberC09009Talk
Holographic Systematics of D-Brane Inflation
Cornell University -
Bispectrum signatures of modifications to the inflationary vacuum
Universiteit van Amsterdam -
Can we tell whether Stochastic Gravitational Waves are really primordial?
King's College London -
Dealing with derivative interactions
Pennsylvania State University -
The "in-in" Formalism and Cosmology: Inflation at Large N
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign -
Inflation with a Random Potential: Fluctuations in the CMB Power Spectrum
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology -
Non-Gaussianity, Loops and the Stability of de Sitter Space
University of Southern Denmark
Connections in Geometry and Physics - 2009
18 talks-Collection NumberC09007Talk
The Economic Crisis and It's Implications for The Science of Economics - 2009
17 talks-Collection NumberC09006Talk
Interpreting the Failure to Predict Financial Crises and Recession
New York University (NYU)PIRSA:09050019 -
Panel Discussion
Harvard University
New York University (NYU)
New York University (NYU)
PIRSA:09050026 -
The Adaptive Markets Hypothesis and Financial Crisis
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)PIRSA:09050018 -
Panel Discussion
Columbia University
Particle Economics Research Institute
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
PIRSA:09050027 -
Sunyaev-Zeldovich Universe and the Future of Cluster Cosmology - 2009
34 talks-Collection NumberC09005Talk
Heating and Cooling of the Intracluster Medium
University of Victoria -
XRay observations normalized ICM models: SZ scaling relations and cosmological implications
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) -
4 Corners Southwest Ontario Condensed Matter Symposium
8 talks-Collection NumberC09004Talk
Composite pairing in the new “high Tc” Heavy Fermion Superconductors
Rutgers UniversityPIRSA:09040021 -
Characterization of the Dilute, Dipolar-Coupled, Ising Magent LiHo_xY_{1-x}F4 through Specific Heat and AC Susceptibility Measurements
University of WaterlooPIRSA:09040022 -
Physics of the Disorder-Induced Zero Bias Anomaly in Strongly-Correlated Systems
Trent UniversityPIRSA:09040023 -
Quantum Device Theory at the University of Waterloo
Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)PIRSA:09040025 -
Monte Carlo Simulations of the Interaction Between a Self-Avoiding Polymer and a Membrane
University of WaterlooPIRSA:09040028 -
Superfluid to Band Insulator Transition of Cold Fermionic Atoms
University of TorontoPIRSA:09040027
Black Holes and Quantum Physics - 2009
12 talks-Collection NumberC09002Talk
Ten Theses on Black Hole Entropy
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
LQG Black Holes
Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) -
Unitarity and Holography in Gravitational Physics
University of California, Santa Barbara -
Black holes, fundamental destruction of information and conservation laws
University College London -
Resolving the information paradox: the fuzzball proposal
Ohio State University -
Black Hole Information - What's the Problem?
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) -
Matrix models for the black hole information paradox
University of Tokyo -
Schwarzschild radius and black hole thermodynamics with alpha' corrections from simulations of SUSY matrix quantum mechanics
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
Young Researchers Conference 2008
30 talks-Collection NumberC08027Talk
Introduction to Quantum Gravity
Complutense University of Madrid -
Emergent gravity: lessons from two models
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics - Albert Einstein Institute (AEI) -
Black hole entropy in Loop Quantum Gravity
University of Valencia -
Supersymmetric U(1)\' Models
Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) -
Introduction to Quantum Information
University of Waterloo
Seeking SICs: A Workshop on Quantum Frames and Designs - 2008
9 talks-Collection NumberC08025Talk
Why I care
University of Massachusetts Boston -
SIC Triple Products
Queen Mary - University of London (QMUL) -
Seeking Symmetries of SIC-POVMs
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light -
Quantum state tomography from yes/no measurements
NEC Laboratories America (Princeton) -
Unitary design: bounds on their size
Griffith University -
Culs-de-sac and open ends
Universität zu Köln -
SICs, Convex Cones, and Algebraic Sets
University of New Mexico
PI CITA Joint Cosmology Day - 2008
5 talks-Collection NumberC08024Talk
What will future dark energy experiments tell us?
University of California, Davis -
Cosmology with 21cm sky
Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Observational Evidence for Massive Gravity
University of Waterloo -
New CMB results
Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA)
McGill University - Department of Physics
Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA)
The Clock and the Quantum: Time and Quantum Foundations - 2008
29 talks-Collection NumberC08023Talk
The Theory of Duration and Clocks
University of Oxford -
Clocks and time in quantum theory
University of Oxford -
Why Constructive Relativity Fails
University of Pittsburgh -
Philosophical Theories of Time meet Quantum Gravity
University of Queensland -
Thinking Inside the Box: Weakly Measuring Postselected Ensembles
University of Toronto -
Relational time and intrinsic decoherence.
University of Queensland
Science in the 21st Century - 2008
20 talks-Collection NumberC08021Talk
Introduction: Science in the 21st Century
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)PIRSA:08090055 -
The Future is a Foreign Country: Science Publishing in the 21st Century
Springer Nature GroupPIRSA:08090030 -
The evolution of scholarly communication and the supreme power of inertia
University of MinnesotaPIRSA:08090032
New Prospects for Solving the Cosmological Constant Problem - 2009
21 talks-Collection NumberC09010The `Cosmological Constant Problem’ is one of most outstanding problems in theoretical physics. It is a significant theme of many current areas of research, both at theoretical level, and at the experimental level, via the increasing observational evidence for dark energy. However, the way researchers address this problem varies tremendously between different scientific communities. The principal aim of this workshop is to bring together leading researchers in neighboring fields, to reach a common understanding of the nature of the problem, and to share the tools used in addressing it. In parallel, this workshop aims at understanding how the different directions in solving the Cosmological Constant Problem are related as well as searching for genuinely new approaches to tackle the question. -
Effective Field Theories in Inflation - 2009
15 talks-Collection NumberC09009Effective Field Theories in Inflation -
Connections in Geometry and Physics - 2009
18 talks-Collection NumberC09007Connections in Geometry and Physics -
The Economic Crisis and It's Implications for The Science of Economics - 2009
17 talks-Collection NumberC09006The Perimeter Institute conference on economics is being organized in an effort to better evaluate the state of economics as a predictive and descriptive science in light of the current market crisis. We believe that this requires careful, dispassionate discussion, in an atmosphere governed by the modesty and open mindedness that characterizes the scientific community. To do this we aim to bring leading economists and theorists of finance together with physicists, mathematicians, biologists and computer scientists to evaluate current theories of markets, and identify key issues that can motivate new directions for research. The conference will begin on May 1, 2009, with a day of invited talks by leading experts to a public audience of around 200 on the status of economic and financial theory in light of the crisis. We will then continue for three days of focused discussion and workshops with an invited group of around 30, aimed at defining research agendas that address that question and beginning work on them. -
Sunyaev-Zeldovich Universe and the Future of Cluster Cosmology - 2009
34 talks-Collection NumberC09005Galaxy clusters have played a crucial role in the development of modern cosmology over the past century. Thanks to the next generation of high resolution microwave telescopes, a new generation of cluster surveys (detected through the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect) are under way and promise to provide us with a catalog of hundreds to thousands of new high redshift clusters over the next few years. This conference aims to bring together experts in SZ observations and cluster cosmology to understand the status/implications of current clusters surveys, and find a consensus on the future promise/prospects of cosmology with galaxy clusters. -
4 Corners Southwest Ontario Condensed Matter Symposium
8 talks-Collection NumberC090044 Corners Southwest Ontario Condensed Matter Symposium April 23, 2009. -
Black Holes and Quantum Physics - 2009
12 talks-Collection NumberC09002Black Holes and Quantum Physics Workshop will bring together experts on this subject. A relaxed and informal setting will allow for productive exchange of ideas. -
Young Researchers Conference 2008
30 talks-Collection NumberC08027This conference provides an opportunity for invited young physicists to experience the dynamic environment and research opportunities offered to Postdoctoral Fellows pursuing their research careers at Perimeter Institute. -
Seeking SICs: A Workshop on Quantum Frames and Designs - 2008
9 talks-Collection NumberC08025This workshop is organized with the hope of making significant progress to the question: the question of the existance of minimal symmetric informationally-complete (SIC) sets of pure quantum states. -
PI CITA Joint Cosmology Day - 2008
5 talks-Collection NumberC08024The goals of this meeting are to share new ideas and encourage interation in our common fields of interest through a series of informal talks followed by discussions. -
The Clock and the Quantum: Time and Quantum Foundations - 2008
29 talks-Collection NumberC08023The Clock and the Quantum: Time and Quantum Foundations -