3013 - 3024 of 16349 Results
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San Diego State University
General conditions for universality of Quantum Hamiltonians
Complutense University of Madrid -
Understanding Indigenous academic realities in the context of reconciliation
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) -
Dark photons and the cosmic radiation background
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Center for Theoretical Physics -
From observations to complexity of quantum states: an unsupervised learning approach
Jozef Stefan Institute -
A World without Pythons would be so Simple
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) -
Can We Understand the Standard Model Using Octonions?
University of California, Riverside -
Interplay of quantum gravity and matter: Role of symmetries
University of Southern Denmark -
Multipartite entanglement: combinatorics, topology, and ... astronomy
Jagiellonian University -
Exploring new scientific frontiers with programmable atom arrays
Harvard University -
Baby Universes and Worldline Field Theories
University of California, Davis