Mathematical physics, including mathematics, is a research area where novel mathematical techniques are invented to tackle problems in physics, and where novel mathematical ideas find an elegant physical realization. Historically, it would have been impossible to distinguish between theoretical physics and pure mathematics. Often spectacular advances were seen with the concurrent development of new ideas and fields in both mathematics and physics. Here one might note Newton's invention of modern calculus to advance the understanding of mechanics and gravitation. In the twentieth century, quantum theory was developed almost simultaneously with a variety of mathematical fields, including linear algebra, the spectral theory of operators and functional analysis. This fruitful partnership continues today with, for example, the discovery of remarkable connections between gauge theories and string theories from physics and geometry and topology in mathematics.
Format results
Dalhousie University
Non-abelian Hodge theory in dimension one, Fukaya categories and periodic monopoles.
Kansas State University -
Fully extended functorial field theories and dualizability in the higher Morita category
Technical University of Munich (TUM) -
Fermion condensation and superconducting string-nets
California Institute of Technology -
From vortices to instantons on the Euclidean Schwarzschild manifold
BEIT Quantum Computing (Canada) -
Tensor network trial wave functions for topological phases
University of California, Berkeley -
Modular Koszul duality for Kac–Moody groups
Columbia University -
B-model for knot homology.
University of Massachusetts Amherst -
Nets vs. factorization algebras: lessons from the comparison
University of York -
Explicit class field theory from quantum measurements
Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) -
Mirror symmetry for moduli spaces of Higgs bundles via p-adic integration
University of Oxford