Mathematical physics, including mathematics, is a research area where novel mathematical techniques are invented to tackle problems in physics, and where novel mathematical ideas find an elegant physical realization. Historically, it would have been impossible to distinguish between theoretical physics and pure mathematics. Often spectacular advances were seen with the concurrent development of new ideas and fields in both mathematics and physics. Here one might note Newton's invention of modern calculus to advance the understanding of mechanics and gravitation. In the twentieth century, quantum theory was developed almost simultaneously with a variety of mathematical fields, including linear algebra, the spectral theory of operators and functional analysis. This fruitful partnership continues today with, for example, the discovery of remarkable connections between gauge theories and string theories from physics and geometry and topology in mathematics.
Format results
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics - Albert Einstein Institute (AEI)
Free linear BV-quantization as an infinity-functor
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics - Albert Einstein Institute (AEI) -
On the stable homotopy theory of stacks and elliptic cohomology
Purdue University -
Derived symplectic geometry and classical Chern-Simons theory
University of Montpellier -
Towards a general description of derived self-intersections
Aix-Marseille University -
Relative non-commutative Calabi-Yau structures and shifted Lagrangians
National Research University Higher School of Economics -
The Maslov cycle and the J-homomorphism
Boston College -
Symplectic and Lagrangian structures on mapping stacks
Universität Wien -
Singular support of categories
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee -
What is the Todd class of an orbifold?
University of Wisconsin–Madison -
Shifted structures and quantization
University of Pennsylvania -
Categorification of shifted symplectic geometry using perverse sheaves
University of Oxford