Cosmologists at Perimeter Institute seek to help pin down the constituents and history of our universe, and the rules governing its origin and evolution. Many of the most interesting clues about physics beyond the standard model (e.g., dark matter, dark energy, the matter/anti-matter asymmetry, and the spectrum of primordial density perturbations], come from cosmological observations, and cosmological observations are often the best way to test or constrain a proposed modification of the laws of nature, since such observations can probe length scales, time scales, and energy scales that are beyond the reach of terrestrial laboratories.
We clarify the origin of IR divergence in single-field models of inflation and provide the correct way to calculate the observable fluctuations. First, we show the presence of gauge degrees of freedom in the frequently used gauges such as the comoving gauge and the flat gauge. These gauge degrees of freedom are responsible for the IR divergences that appear in loop corrections of primordial perturbations. We propose, in this talk, one simple but explicit example of gauge-invariant quantities. Then, we explicitly calculate such a quantity to find that the IR divergence is absent in the slow-roll approximation. In this formalism, we revisit the consistency relation that connects the three-point function in the squeezed limit with the spectral index.
General Relativity receives quantum corrections relevant at macroscopic distance scales and near event horizons. These arise from the conformal scalar degrees of freedom in the extended effective field theory of gravity generated by the trace anomaly of massless quantum fields in curved space. Linearized perturbations of the Bunch-Davies state in de Sitter space show that these new scalar degrees of freedom are associated with macroscopic changes of state on the cosmological horizon scale, with potentially large stress tensors that can lead to substantial backreaction effects in cosmology. In the extended effective theory the cosmological ``constant" is a state dependent condensate whose value is scale dependent and which possesses an infrared stable conformal fixed point at zero. These considerations suggest that the observed dark energy of our universe may be a macroscopic finite size effect whose value depends not upon Planck scale physics but upon extreme infrared physics on the cosmological horizon scale.
I introduce a general method for constraining the shape of the inflationary potential from Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature and polarization power spectra. This approach relates the CMB observables to the shape of the inflaton potential via a single source function that is responsible for the observable features in the initial curvature power spectrum. The source function is, to an excellent approximation, simply related to the slope and curvature of the inflaton potential, even in the presence of large or rapidly changing deviations from scale-free initial conditions. Oscillatory features in the WMAP temperature power spectrum have led to interest in exploring models with features in the inflationary potential, but such cases are typically studied on a case-by-case basis. This formalism generalizes previous studies by exploring the complete parameter space of inflationary models in a single analysis.
I will present results from a Markov Chain Monte Carlo likelihood analysis of WMAP 7-year and other data sets that probe the inflationary potential both at large and small scales, and I will discuss constraints from upcoming high-sensitivity experiments.
The entropy outside of an event horizon can never decrease if one includes a term proportional to the horizon area. For a long time, this astonishing result had only been shown for quantum fields that are in an approximately steady state. I will describe a new proof of the generalized second law for arbitrary slices of semiclassical, rapidly-changing horizons. I will start with the simplest case, Rindler horizons, and then describe how the proof can be adapted to other cases (black holes, de Sitter, etc.) by restricting the field algebra to the horizon. The generalized second law holds because the horizon is invariant under a larger symmetry group than the rest of the spacetime.
If dark matter consists of a multiplet with small mass splittings, it is possible to simultaneously account for DAMA/CoGeNT hints of direct detection and the INTEGRAL 511 keV gamma ray excess from the galactic center; such dark matter must be in the 4-12 GeV mass range. I present scenarios where the DM transforms under a hidden SU(2) that can account for these observations. These models can be tested in low-energy beam dump experiments, like APEX. To explain PAMELA/Fermi excess electrons from dark matter annihilations, heavier TeV scale DM is required. I will present new more stringent constraints from Fermi gamma ray data that tend to rule out such models. However we find a loophole: DM annihilations in a nearby DM subhalo, between us and the galactic center, could provide the excess leptons while respecting gamma ray constraints.
The quantum spin Hall effect relates seemingly unrelated degrees of freedom, i.e., charge and spin degrees of freedom. We will discuss such "duality" can be extended to much wider class of quantum numbers, and the corresponding order parameters. In particular, two valleys in graphene can be viewed as an SU(2) pseudo spin degree of freedom, which turns out to be "dual" to the charge degree of freedom, pretty much in the same way as spin in the quantum spin Hall effect is closely tied with charge. I.e., graphene can host "the quantum valley Hall effect" (QVHE). We will show that one of the best venues to observe the QVHE in graphene is actually superconductivity that can be induced in graphene by proximity effect, say, where passing supercurrent in one direction induces accumulation of pseudo spin ("valley spin") at the boundary of graphene sample. We will also discuss the "inverse QVHE" as a possible scenario to explain the highly resistive state found in N=0 Landau level in graphene in a high magnetic field.
I will describe recent work by Cutler&Holz and Hirata, Holz, & Cutler showing that a highly sensitive, deci-Hz gravitational-wave mission like BBO or Decigo could measure cosmological parameters, such as the Hubble constant H_0 and the dark energy parameters w_0 and w_a, far more accurately than other proposed dark-energy missions. The basic point is that BBO’s angular resolution is so good that it will provide us with hundreds of thousands of “standard sirens.” These standard sirens are inspiraling neutron star and black hole binaries, with gravitationally-determined distances and optically determinable redshifts. I explain why a BBO-like mission would also be a powerful weak lensing mission, and I briefly describe some further astrophysics that would flow from such a mission.
I'll discuss some work done in collaboration with Cliff Burgess, Louis Leblond and Sarah Shandera on the significance of the IR divergences in de Sitter space. First, I'll talk about how large fluctuations at long distances can induce the failure of the loop expansion for interacting field theories with massless degrees of freedom in de Sitter space, much in the same manner as happens in thermal field theories. Then I'll shift gears slightly and describe work involving the use of the dynamical renormalization group in resumming the secularly growing perturbative corrections to correlation functions for massless, minimally coupled scalar fields in de Sitter.