Cosmologists at Perimeter Institute seek to help pin down the constituents and history of our universe, and the rules governing its origin and evolution. Many of the most interesting clues about physics beyond the standard model (e.g., dark matter, dark energy, the matter/anti-matter asymmetry, and the spectrum of primordial density perturbations], come from cosmological observations, and cosmological observations are often the best way to test or constrain a proposed modification of the laws of nature, since such observations can probe length scales, time scales, and energy scales that are beyond the reach of terrestrial laboratories.
We have announced the results from 7 years of observations of the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) on January 26. In this talk we will present the cosmological interpretation of the WMAP 7-year data, including the detection of primordial helium, images of polarization of microwave background around temperature peaks, and new limits on inflation and properties of neutrinos. We also report a significant detection of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect and discuss implications for the gas pressure in clusters of galaxies.
We present a holographic description of four-dimensional single-scalar inflationary universes in terms of a three-dimensional quantum field theory. The holographic description correctly reproduces standard inflationary predictions in their regime of applicability. In the opposite case, wherein gravity is strongly coupled at early times, we propose a holographic description in terms of perturbative QFT and present models capable of satisfying the current observational constraints while exhibiting a phenomenology distinct from standard inflation. This provides a qualitatively new method for generating a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of primordial cosmological perturbations.
The primordial density fluctuations that seeded large-scale structure are known to be nearly Gaussian, as predicted by most early universe models like slow-roll inflation. Many of these models predict a small (but nonzero!) amount of primordial non-gaussianity, which can subtly affect the statistics of CMB anisotropies. Surprisingly, even a small primordial non-gaussianity can produce enormous changes in the large-scale clustering of galaxies and quasars at late times. I will describe the origin of this effect, and review recent constraints on non-gaussianity using measurements of the clustering of galaxies and quasars in SDSS.
We discuss a candidate mechanism through which one might address the various cosmological constant problems. We observe that the renormalization of gravitational couplings manifests non-local modifications to Einstein's equations as quantum corrected equations of motion, and in doing so offers a complimentary realization of the degravitation paradigm-- a realization through which its non-linear completion and the corresponding modified Bianchi identities are readily understood. We proceed to consider theories whose coupling to gravity might a priori induce non-trivial RG flow for gravitational couplings in the IR, and arrive at a class of non-local effective actions which yield a suitably degravitating filter function for Newton's constant upon subsequently being integrated out.
After prodigious work over several decades, binary black hole mergers can now be simulated in fully nonlinear numerical relativity. However, these simulations are still restricted to mass ratios q = m2/m1 > 1/10, initial spins a/M < 0.9, and initial separations r/M < 10. Fortunately, analytical techniques like black-hole perturbation theory and the post-Newtonian approximation allow us to study much of this region in parameter space that remains inaccessible to numerical relativity. I will use black-hole perturbation theory to establish a fundamental upper limit to the final spin that can be attained through binary mergers, and show how this limit can be used to improve predictions of final spins for finite mass ratios as well. I will also show that post-Newtonian inspirals between 1000 M < r < 10 M can align or anti-align black hole spins with each other, dramatically changing the distributions of final spins and recoil velocities that would be expected in astrophysical black hole mergers.
The hot, gaseous atmospheres of galaxies and clusters of galaxies are
repositories for the energy output from accreting, supermassive black holes located in the nuclei of galaxies.
X-ray observations show that star formation fueled by gas condensing out of hot atmospheres is strongly suppressed by feedback from active galactic nuclei (AGN). This mechanism
may solve several outstanding problems in astrophysics, including the
numbers of luminous galaxies and their colors, and the excess number of
hot baryons in the Universe. The most energetic AGN outbursts may be powered by rapidly-spinning, ultra-massive black holes.
Stellar evolution from a protostar to neutron star is of one of the best
studied subjects in modern astrophysics. Yet, it appears that there is still
a lot to learn about the extreme conditions where the fundamental particle physics meets strong gravity regime. After all of the thermonuclear fuel is spent, and
after the supernova explosion, but before the remaining mass crosses its own
Schwarzschild radius, the temperature of the central core of the star might
become higher than the electroweak symmetry restoration temperature. The
source of energy, which can at least temporarily balance gravity, are baryon
number violating instanton processes which are basically unsuppressed at
temperatures above the electroweak scale. We constructed a solution to the
Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation which describes such a star. The energy release
rate is enormous at the core, but gravitational redshift and the enhanced
neutrino interaction cross section at these densities make the energy
release rate moderate at the surface of the star. The lifetime of this new
quasi-equilibrium can be more than ten million years, which is long enough
to represent a new stage in the evolution of a star.
We report on a new class of fast-roll inflationary models. In a part of its parameter space, inflationary perturbations exhibit quite unusual phenomena such as scalar and tensor modes freezing out at widely different times, as well as scalar modes reentering the horizon during inflation. One specific point in parameter space is characterized by extraordinary behavior of the scalar perturbations. Freeze-out of
scalar perturbations as well as particle production at horizon crossing are absent. Also the behavior of the perturbations around this quasi-de Sitter background is dual to a quantum field theory in flat space-time. Finally, the form of the primordial power spectrum is determined by the interaction between different modes of scalar perturbations.
Primordial non-Gaussianity has been traditionaly constrained using three-point function of the cosmic microwave background. Two years ago, however, Dalal et al have shown that non-Gaussianity of the local type induces a scale dependent bias for biased tracers of the underlying dark matter structure. This allows constraining of the primordial non-Gaussianity from measurements of large-scale structure provided by redshift surveys. I will discuss the technique, its theoretical aspects,
it surprising resilience towards systematics and current results from the real data. I will also show some preliminary new results: extension to the two field inflationary models and the analogue of the Dalal effect in the Lyman alpha forest.
The quest to understand the nature of dark matter is entering a remarkable data-rich era. Hypothetical stable, electrically neutral particles with TeV-scale mass and weak-strength couplings are a simple, theoretically appealing, but untested candidate for the dark matter. I will summarize recent results in both direct and indirect searches for dark matter, and highlight what upcoming data may teach us. I will also discuss the key role of accelerator-based experiments and novel astrophysical measurements in understanding dark matter and its connection to Standard Model physics. The prospects are particularly rich if dark matter interacts through new, non-Standard-Model dynamics, as recent cosmic-ray data may suggest. I will discuss a range of collider-based searches and fixed-target experiments under development to search for this dynamics, and the complementary sensitivity of searches for cosmic rays originating from dark matter annihilation in the sun.