Strong Gravity research at Perimeter Institute is devoted to understanding both the theoretical and observational aspects of systems in which gravity is very strong (i.e., spacetime is highly curved or dynamical],. On one hand, this means studying extreme astrophysical systems, like black holes and neutron stars, as well as making and testing predictions for existing and forthcoming gravitational wave detectors, electromagnetic telescopes, and particle astrophysics experiments. On the other hand, it also includes a range of non-astrophysical topics, such as the instabilities of higher-dimensional black holes or the dynamics of strongly-coupled quantum field theories (via holography). The goal of strong gravity researcher is to test the validity of Einstein's theory of gravity, constrain proposed alternatives, understand the most extreme astrophysical systems, and investigate the ways in which highly curved or dynamical spacetimes are linked with a range of other problems in fundamental physics.
Format results
McGill University
Collisions in AdS and the thermalisation of heavy-ion collisions
European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) -
Charged particle motion in magnetized black holes
University of Alberta -
Dynamical Emergence of Universal Horizons during the formation of Black Holes
Goldman Sachs (United States) -
Staring into the Abyss
University of Waterloo -
New lessons about hydrodynamics from gravity
Ghent University -
Quasinormal modes of rapidly rotating black holes/ Stability of tidally perturbed neutron stars
The University of Texas at Austin -
Plasma without Plasma: Exploring Force-Free Magnetospheres
University of Arizona -
Neutron Stars and the Dense Matter Equation of State
Ohio University -
Dynamic and Thermodynamic Stability of Black Holes and Black Branes
University of Chicago -
Gravitational waves from compact binaries with comparable masses using black hole perturbation theory
California Institute of Technology