Displaying 97 - 108 of 431
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Controlled access to the low-energy physics of critical Fermi surfaces
Shiv Nadar University -
Emergent criticality in non-unitary random dynamics
Boston College -
Engineering and measuring higher-order topology
Universität Basel -
Magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene at charge neutrality: interactions and disorder
California Institute of Technology -
Deep neural networks beyond the limit of infinite width
Alphabet (United States) -
Lattice homotopy: the physics of moving things around and calling them the same
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology -
Deconfined metallic quantum criticality: a U(2) gauge theoretic approach
National University of Singapore -
Aspect of Information in Classical and Quantum Neural Networks
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of Physics -
Multichannel Kondo Anyons for topological Quantum Computation
Rutgers University -
Meta-Learning Algorithms and their Applications to Quantum Computing
Mila - Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute -
Effective field theory near and far from equilibrium
University of Chicago -
Exact bosonization in all dimensions and the duality between supercohomology fermionic SPT and higher-group bosonic SPT phases
California Institute of Technology