Format results
11 talks-Collection NumberC20018
Echoes and Holography
University of California, Santa Barbara -
Echoes in Numerical Relativity
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Indefinite Causal Structure
26 talks-Collection NumberC19049Talk
10 years of the quantum SWITCH: state of the art and new perspectives
University of Hong Kong (HKU) -
Cyclic quantum causal models and violations of causal inequalities
Université Libre de Bruxelles -
University of Waterloo -
Composing causal orderings
University of Oxford -
Quantum principle of relativity
University of Warsaw -
What happens when we quantize time?
Saint Anselm College
Symmetry, Phases of Matter, and Resources in Quantum Computing
16 talks-Collection NumberC19048Talk
Symmetry, topology, and thermal stability
University of Sydney -
Symmetry-protected topologically ordered phases for measurement-based quantum computation
University of New Mexico -
A resource theory of nonclassicality in Bell scenarios
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Variational Quantum Eigensolvers and contextuality
Tufts University -
Magic resource theories and classical simulation
University of Sheffield -
Classical algorithms for quantum mean values
Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) -
Fine-grained quantum supremacy and stabilizer rank
Kyoto University -
Towards local testability for quantum coding
French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation
Emmy Noether Workshop: The Structure of Quantum Space Time
25 talks-Collection NumberC19047Talk
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Quantum Spacetime from Lattice Gravity à la CDT
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen -
How complement maps can cure divergences
University of Potsdam -
The gravitational Wilson loop and the non-Abelian Stokes' theorem
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University -
The dynamics of difference
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Quantum reference frames for space and time
ETH Zurich -
Probing fundamental physics with gravitational waves
Universidade Federal do ABC -
Implications of the Quantum Nature Space-time for the Big Bang and Black Holes
Pennsylvania State University
Everpresent Lambda: Theory Meets Observations
15 talks-Collection NumberC19046Talk
Introduction to Everpresent Lambda
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Status of Hubble tension in Cosmology
University of Waterloo -
Causal Set Action/Entropy
Dublin Institute For Advanced Studies -
Observational constraints on modified gravity and dark energy
Simon Fraser University (SFU) -
Supplementary considerations on Everpresent Lambda
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Implementing a stochastic dark energy framework into CAMB
Simon Fraser University (SFU)
Simplicity III
17 talks-Collection NumberC19044Talk
On the possible role of nilpotent internal symmetries in unification
Wigner Research Center for Physics -
Rethinking the origin of neutrino masses: the role of gravity
University of Bonn -
Swampland Constraints on Neutrino Masses and Dark Energy
European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) -
Exceptional Quantum Algebra for the Standard Model of Particle Physics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences -
SO(7,7) Structure of Standard Model Fermions
University of Nottingham -
The Standard Model from A Jordan Algebra
University of Edinburgh -
Particle Theory from Jordan Geometry
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics - Albert Einstein Institute (AEI)
Cosmological Frontiers in Fundamental Physics 2019
22 talks-Collection NumberC19037Talk
CPT-Symmetric Universe
University of Edinburgh -
Brane cosmology and the self-tuning of the cosmological constant
Université Paris Cité -
New Physics in the Rayleigh-Jeans tale of the CMB and cosmic 21cm signal
University of Minnesota -
Gravitational waves in the inhomogeneous Universe
Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU) -
Discussion: Where in the Cosmos should we look for novel physics?
University of Crete -
Gravitational wave standard sirens
University of Amsterdam -
Cosmology and fundamental physics with FRBs
Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA)
Boundaries and Defects in Quantum Field Theory
21 talks-Collection NumberC19035Talk
Symmetries and Dualities of Abelian TQFTs
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Stony Brook University -
Universality at large transverse spin in defect CFTs
European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) -
Domain Walls in Super-QCD
SISSA International School for Advanced Studies -
Weyl Anomaly Induced Current and Holography
Sun Yat-sen University -
Wilson line impurities, flows and entanglement entropy
Swansea University -
Anomalies in the Space of Coupling Constants
Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) -
Integrability of one-point functions in AdS/dCFT with and without supersymmetry
University of Copenhagen
Bootstrap 2019
11 talks-Collection NumberC19026Talk
CFT amplitudes
SISSA International School for Advanced Studies -
Flux Tube S-matrix Bootstrap
European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) -
Precision Islands for ABJM theory from Mixed Correlator Bootstrap
Weizmann Institute of Science Canada -
Talk 13 via live stream
University of Oxford -
Spinning Conformal Bootstrap in 4d
L'Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) -
Talk 15 via live stream
Purdue University -
Talk 21 via live stream
California Institute of Technology
Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
Machine Learning for Quantum Design
30 talks-Collection NumberC19025Talk
Simulating Thermal and Quantum Fluctuations in Materials and Molecules
L'Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) -
How to use a Gaussian Boson Sampler to learn from graph-structured data
University of KwaZulu-Natal -
Machine learning meets quantum physics
Tsinghua University -
Engineering Programmable Spin Interactions in a Near-Concentric Cavity
Stanford University -
Alleviating the sign structure of quantum states
Flatiron Institute -
Navigating the quantum computing field as a high school student
The Knowledge Society
QFT for Mathematicians
25 talks-Collection NumberC19023Talk
Lecture 1: Factorization Algebras and the General Structure of QFT
Seoul National University -
Lecture 1: Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and All That
Durham University -
TA Session: 0d QFT and Feynman diagrams
Dalhousie University -
Lecture 1: Boundary Conditions and Extended Defects
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Lecture 2: Factorization Algebras and the General Structure of QFT
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
TA Session: Supersummetry Algebras
University of Massachusetts Amherst -
Lecture 3: Factorization Algebras and the General Structure of QFT
Seoul National University -
Lecture 2: Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and All That
Durham University
Many-Body States and Dynamics Workshop II
8 talks-Collection NumberC19024Talk
Simulating an expanding universe on Google's Bristlecone
Alphabet (United States) -
Preparing Critical and Thermofield Double States on a Quantum Computer
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
TensorNetwork: accelerating tensor network computations and improving the coding experience
California Institute of Technology -
Maximally sensitive sets of states
University of Maryland, College Park -
Quantum simulation of 2D and 3D spin models in a linear chain of ions
Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) -
Polariton Graph Network
Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) -
Quantum Simulation of Lattice Field Theories with Microwave Photons
Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
Indefinite Causal Structure
26 talks-Collection NumberC19049There has been a surge of interest in indefinite causal structure the idea that cause and effect can no longer be sharply distinguished. Motivated both by experimentation with quantum switches and quantum gravity there can be situations in which there is no matter-of-the-fact as to what the causal structure of spacetime is. This meeting will bring together workers in Quantum Foundations and Quantum Gravity in both theoretical experimental physics to discuss the state of the art of current research and set new directions for this emerging subdiscipline.
Symmetry, Phases of Matter, and Resources in Quantum Computing
16 talks-Collection NumberC19048Our conference covers three related subjects: quantum fault-tolerance magic states and resource theories and quantum computational phases of matter. The linking elements between them are (a) on the phenomenological side the persistence of computational power under perturbations and (b) on the theory side symmetry. The latter is necessary for the working of all three. The subjects are close but not identical and we expect cross-fertilization between them.Fault tolerance is an essential component of universal scalable quantum computing.However known practical methods of achieving fault tolerance are extremely resource intensive. Distillation of magic states is in the current paradigm of fault-tolerance the costliest operational component by a large margin. It is therefore pertinent to improve the efficiency of such procedures study theoretical limits of efficiency and more generally to establish a resource theory of quantum state magic. During the workshop we will focus on a fundamental connection between fault-tolerant protocols and symmetries.``Computational phases of matters are a surprising link between quantum computation and condensed matter physics. Namely in the presence of suitable symmetries the ground states of spin Hamiltonians have computational power within the scheme of measurement-based quantum computation and this power is uniform across physical phases. Several computationally universal phases have to date been discovered. This subject is distinct from the above but linked to them by the feature of persistence of computational power under deformations and deviations.
Emmy Noether Workshop: The Structure of Quantum Space Time
25 talks-Collection NumberC19047Understanding the small-scale structure of spacetime is one of the biggest challenges faced by modern theoretical physics. There are many different attempts to solve this problem and they reflect the diversity of approaches to quantum gravity. This workshop will bring together researchers from a wide range of quantum gravity approaches and give them an opportunity to exchange ideas and gain new insights.
Everpresent Lambda: Theory Meets Observations
15 talks-Collection NumberC19046One of the biggest mysteries in cosmology and fundamental physics is the nature of dark energy that is responsible for the current acceleration of cosmic expansion. While a cosmological constant provides the simplest model of dark energy recent observational tensions amongst supernovae Ia gravitational lensing time delays and cosmic microwave background suggest the need for a more complex dynamical dark energy. One of the oldest proposals for a dynamical dark energy is Everpresent Lambda proposed by Sorkin which is inspired by the causal set model of quantum gravity. It was recently shown that this model can potentially resolve the tensions in cosmological observations. The meeting aims to bring together a small number of experts in quantum gravity causal sets and cosmology to carefully examine the models theoretical predictions and its observational tests and pave the way for what might be an(other) exciting insight from cosmology into the fundamental nature of spacetime.
Simplicity III
17 talks-Collection NumberC19044This cross-disciplinary workshop gathers theorists who have been working on novel approaches to understanding the structure of the Standard Model and its link to cosmology and gravity. It follows the previous Simplicity I and II workshops at Princeton University (2014) and Fermilab (2016) and will be a small informal meeting with plenty of room for discussions.
Cosmological Frontiers in Fundamental Physics 2019
22 talks-Collection NumberC19037The workshops focuses on novel frontiers in observational cosmology and astrophysics and how they shed light fundamental questions in understanding the universe. Registration for this workshop is now open.
Boundaries and Defects in Quantum Field Theory
21 talks-Collection NumberC19035Boundaries and defects play central roles in quantum field theory (QFT) both as means to make contact with nature and as tools to constrain and understand QFT itself. Boundaries in QFT can be used to model impurities and also the finite extent of sample sizes while interfaces allow for different phases of matter to interact in a controllable way. More formally these structures shed light on the structure of QFT by providing new examples of dualities and renormalization group flows. Broadly speaking this meeting will focus on three areas: 1) formal and applied aspects of boundary and defect conformal field theory from anomalies and c-theorems to topological insulators 2) supersymmetry and duality from exact computations of new observables to the construction of new theories and 3) QFT in curved space and gravity from holographic computations of entanglement entropy to ideas in quantum information theory. Registration for this event is now open.
Bootstrap 2019
11 talks-Collection NumberC19026Quantum field theory (QFT) is a universal language for theoretical physics describing the Standard Model gravity early universe inflation and condensed matter phenomena such as phase transitions superconductors and quantum Hall fluids. A triumph of 20th century physics was to understand weakly coupled QFTs: theories whose interactions can be treated as small perturbations of otherwise freely moving particles. However weakly coupled QFTs represent a tiny island in an ocean of possibilities. They cannot capture many of the most interesting and important physical phenomena from the strong nuclear force to high temperature superconductivity.The critical challenge for the 21st century is to understand and solve strongly coupled QFTs. Meeting this challenge will require new physical insight new mathematics and new computational tools. Our collaboration combines deep knowledge of novel non-perturbative techniques with a concrete plan for attacking the problem of strong coupling. The starting point is the astonishing discovery that in numerous physical systems there is a unique quantum field theory consistent with general principles of symmetry and quantum mechanics. By analyzing the full implications of these general principles one can make sharp predictions for physical observables without resorting to approximations.This strategy is called the Bootstrap the topic of this three week program.
Machine Learning for Quantum Design
30 talks-Collection NumberC19025Machine learning techniques are rapidly being adopted into the field of quantum many-body physics including condensed matter theory experiment and quantum information science. The steady increase in data being produced by highly-controlled quantum experiments brings the potential of machine learning algorithms to the forefront of scientific advancement. Particularly exciting is the prospect of using machine learning for the discovery and design of quantum materials devices and computers. In order to make progress the field must address a number of fundamental questions related to the challenges of studying many-body quantum mechanics using classical computing algorithms and hardware. The goal of this conference is to bring together experts in computational physics machine learning and quantum information to make headway on a number of related topics including: Data-drive quantum state reconstruction Machine learning strategies for quantum error correction Neural-network based wavefunctions Near-term prospects for data from quantum devices Machine learning for quantum algorithm discovery Registration for this event is now closed
Many-Body States and Dynamics Workshop II
8 talks-Collection NumberC19024On Thursday June 13 the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) and Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (PI) will participate in the one-day Many-Body States and Dynamics Workshop II. The goal of the workshop is to describe ongoing efforts to experimentally realize quantum many-body states and dynamics and discuss interesting classes of states and dynamics that could be targeted. Experimentalists working on several platforms (such as photons atom and ion traps superconducting qubits exciton-polaritons or NMR) and theoreticians specialized in many-body theory (entanglement topological order gauge theories criticality chaos error correction holography) and numerical simulations (exact diagonalization Monte Carlo DMRG tensor networks) will meet for a morning workshop to identify and discuss common interests.