Mathematical physics, including mathematics, is a research area where novel mathematical techniques are invented to tackle problems in physics, and where novel mathematical ideas find an elegant physical realization. Historically, it would have been impossible to distinguish between theoretical physics and pure mathematics. Often spectacular advances were seen with the concurrent development of new ideas and fields in both mathematics and physics. Here one might note Newton's invention of modern calculus to advance the understanding of mechanics and gravitation. In the twentieth century, quantum theory was developed almost simultaneously with a variety of mathematical fields, including linear algebra, the spectral theory of operators and functional analysis. This fruitful partnership continues today with, for example, the discovery of remarkable connections between gauge theories and string theories from physics and geometry and topology in mathematics.
Format results
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Division algebraic symmetry breaking
Humboldt University of Berlin
Imperial College London
A Magic Pyramid of Supergravity Theories from Yang-Mills Squared
Imperial College London -
Gravity as the square of gauge theory
Heriot-Watt University -
Entropy and energy fluctuations in non-equilibrium quantum statistical mechanics
Université de Toulon -
On hidden quantum group symmetries in CFT
University of Bonn -
Change the coefficients of conditional entropies in extensivity
Tokyo Metropolitan University -
Why women leave: Model women and models of discrimination
Johns Hopkins University -
From gauge fields to direct connections on gauge groupoids
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 - Institut Camille Jordan -
Conformal correlators and AdS2/CFT1
University of London -
A gentle introduction to (modular tensor) categories
Cardiff University